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How To Get A South African Unabridged Birth Certificate

    Parents who wish to take their children in or out of South Africa may face problems during immigration if they don’t have a South African unabridged birth certificate or similar documentation.


    Aside from all legal domestic uses, this document is necessary for all minors who will travel internationally in or through South Africa, so it is a very important piece of documentation to have!

    Keep reading and discover all about the South African unabridged birth certificate

    (Source Pexels)

    How To Get A South African Unabridged Birth Certificate?

    Example of South African unabridged birth certificate

    The South African unabridged birth certificate is a document containing identifying information about the child and both birth parents or legal guardians.

    Parents or guardians need to be able to produce this certificate and other required documentation (such as passports) if they wish to travel in or out of the country with their children under the age of 18.


    It is easy to get this certificate: an unabridged birth certificate is issued with no price of charge upon registration of the birth, you only need to fill the correct form and submit it to the relevant authorities.

    Unabridged Birth Certificate Form

    The South African unabridged birth certificate form is called BI-24, which can only be filled in using black ink.

    It must be submitted to the nearest Department of Home Affairs office if you are in South Africa or nearest South African embassy, mission or consulate if you are outside the country.

    Waiting Time For Unabridged Birth Certificate

    The waiting time with no price unabridged birth certificate is usually a day after the birth registration application has been submitted, but it can take up to 8 weeks. If you wish to issue additional copies, the same waiting time of up to 8 weeks applies.


    Abridged Birth Certificate

    Nowadays South African unabridged birth certificates are being universally accepted for all uses. Since 2016, abridged birth certificates are no longer issued in South Africa and cannot be apostilled any longer.

    Birth Certificate For Foreigners In South Africa

    Just like South African nationals, foreigners who wish to travel in or out of the country accompanied by minors must present birth certificates that have identifying information about the minor’s parents or legal guardians.

    Undocumented children who are born to foreigner parents in South Africa are granted a South African unabridged birth certificate, issued with no price upon registration of the birth.

    Copy Of Birth Certificate South Africa

    A copy of a South African birth certificate can be requested by any South African citizen who resides in or out of the country.

    To do this, you will need to contact the Department of Home Affairs or the nearest South African embassy, fill in the BI-154 form and pay the fee requested for the copies to be issued.

    Unabridged And Abridged Birth Certificate Cost

    Presently, issuing additional unabridged birth certificates cost 75 South African Rand.

    Since abridged birth certificates are no longer issued, there is zero cost associated with them anymore.

    Difference Between Abridged And Unabridged Birth Certificate

    Abridged birth certificates were computer-printed certificates that did not have parental information on them. Since abridged birth certificates are no longer issued or apostilled, it is advised that all citizens file for the issuing of their South African unabridged birth certificates.

    Do Adults Need An Unabridged Birth Certificate?

    Yes. If an adult wishes to immigrate to South Africa, they must provide a birth certificate that has the necessary identifying information.

    Aside from all uses for a birth certificate within the country, such as opening bank accounts, South African citizens also need their unabridged birth certificate if they wish to get visas to enter certain countries.

    How To Change Your Name Or Surname On Your Birth Certificate?

    To change your name on your South African unabridged birth certificate, you must fill in the BI-85 form and pay a fee that varies according to your circumstances.

    To change your surname, you must fill in the BI-196 form and a written reasoning for the change. It must be approved by the Director-General of Home Affairs and be published in the Government Gazette.

    You may change the surname of a minor by filling the BI-193 form and presenting a written reasoning, the natural parents’ written consent as well as that of the person whose surname the child will assume. The change is admissible in the following cases:

    If a child is born out of wedlock, the mother divorces or becomes a widow and she wishes to exclude the biological father’s surname or rename the child with her maiden name or previous legal name;

    • If the mother remarries and she wishes to include her new husband’s surname;
    • If a legal guardian wishes to rename the child to assume their own surname;
    • Other exceptional circumstances with sufficient justification.

    Lost Birth Certificate. What Should I Do?

    As mentioned previously, South African citizens can contact the Department of Home Affairs to apply for additional South African unabridged birth certificates.

    Now that you know all about South African unabridged birth certificate, keep reading the blog and find more useful information!

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