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How To Check My PSiRA Online

    This informative article will present some tutorials for users to learn more about how to check their PSiRA certificate online.


    The purpose of a PSiRA certificate, also known as Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority, is to regulate the private security industry and exercise control over the function of security service providers..

    The next topics will introduce the means by which it is possible to check the status of the PSIRA certificate, through company name, ID number, and mobile phone application, and what documents are required to do this authentication.

    (Source Pexels)

    How To Verify PSiRA Status With Name

    The first way to verify the PSiRA status is through the company name. The steps for doing the online verification are detailed below:

    Step 1: access the official PSiRA website via a computer or other device with an internet connection;
    Step 2: on the main page, go to the sidebar in the online services section. In the subsections, choose the “business verification” option;


    Step 3: on the next page, the user must fill in the “company name” field as the name of the service provider and perform a search
    Step 4: right below you must complete with the captcha code and then press the “submit” button;

    Finally, a response will be generated about the status of the PSiRA certificate collection.

    How To Check My PSiRA With ID Number

    The way to verify the status of the PSiRA certificate using the ID number is much the same as above. The steps to perform this action are as follows:

    Step 1: access the official PSiRA website
    Step 2: in the sidebar, in the online services section, instead of clicking on the “business verification” option, choose the “individual verification” option;
    Step 3: On the next page, the user must complete the second field with his or her identification number;
    Step 4: then, as described in the previous topic, one must write the number that appears on the screen to perform the captcha verification and click on “submit”;

    Thus, on the next screen will be described the information about the PSiRA certificate.


    How To Do PSiRA Verification Online By Application

    Another way to see the progress of the PSiRA certificate is through the application available for mobile devices. The following is a tutorial for doing this process, from installing the app to the final steps:

    Step 1: search, in the Google Play app store for Android phones, for the app named “PSiRA” and click install;
    Step 2: when opening the application, the user must look for the option “online verification” and select the type of verification, whether Security Officer Verification or Business Status Verification.
    Step 3: the next detail is to complete the fields with the ID number or company name and do the captcha verification.

    How To Check My PSiRA Number

    To find the PSiRA number, the company itself has a telephone number for those who wish to contact it and ask for help with this and other information.

    The call center for general inquiries is 086 1333 850. To get a PSiRA number, the individual must provide the name of the company or their identification number and ask for the information to be sent, either by email or by fax.

    Another way to see the PSiRA number is to visit the nearest work office and ask for this information.

    What Documents Do I Need To Know My PSiRA Number

    As presented in the previous topic, the only document needed to know the PSiRA number is the personal identification number (ID number). With only this information it is possible to have the certificate number at hand.

    How Do I Know If My PSiRA Is Ready For Collections?

    The company’s customer service line is able to offer a variety of information. Then the user should contact the customer service line at 086 133 3850 with the ID number in hand to check the status of the request.

    Conclusion – FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

    Can I Download My PSiRA Certificate??

    Yes, it is possible to download the certificate and share the link with others.

    Where Can I Get My PSIRA Certificate?

    At the nearest PSiRA branch, but not at the head office. It is necessary to take the ID book for the first collection.

    What Is The Validity Of A PSiRA Certificate?

    Individual certificate: 24 months from issuance

    Business certificate: 12 months from the date of issue

    This article is for informational purposes only, that is, we have no link with the company that offers the service that, by chance, may be mentioned in the course of the article. We do not exempt the search for information on the official web site of the agency that provides the services.
