Privacy Policy


This site and its content are of exclusive property of All rights reserved.


IN THE EVENT THAT YOU DO NOT FULLY OR PARTIALLY AGREE WITH THESE TERMS, YOU SHALL NOT ACCESS THIS SITE NEITHER CONSUME ITS CONTENT might, at its own discretion, alter the terms of Use and the Privacy Policy of this site, without the need of previous warning. Significant alterations will be object of previous advice by making a publication on our site.

Tolerance in regards to the noncompliance of any obligation provided on the Site’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy will not represent the resignation to the right of demanding the compliance of the obligation, neither the alteration of any term or condition contained herein.


These Terms of Use apply to all the pages that are hosted on this site. It does not include, neither applies on, the pages that are contained on sites of other companies that might eventually have a link or a reference on our site.

The valid and effective version of the existing Terms of Use is the one currently published by the site. This version rules all the past and present relationships between the site’s users, the respected acquired rights, concluded legal acts, and judicata. The user should always read carefully the present terms of use, no excuses by claiming ignorance about these terms can be made, even when there shall be eventual modifications.

Several services and contents offered by the site could be object of specific Terms of use, or not, being this one considered valid. These terms of use might, complement or modify the present one.

Use of the site and its contents.

You agree on using the site exclusively in a compatible way with all the laws and applicable regulations and in concordance with these Terms and with our Privacy Policy, without violating other’s rights, neither restricting or inhibiting the use and usufruct of the site (including, with no exceptions, hacking, reverse engineering, not allowed downloads, and similar)

The user shall not, by any means, use technical mechanisms that in any way could subvert the use of the site, without the previous consultation to the site’s managers. These mechanisms include the utilization of robots (robots or bots), spiders, scripts, or any other way of automatized access to the site that could in any way distort its goals and purposes.

The use of these resources without previous authorization implies the violation of the present Terms of Use and bounds the guilty party to pay for emerging damages and ceasing profits, as well as paying a punitive fine that will be applied even if no damage has been caused.

The user shall not practice any act that could be qualified as Spam. In addition to that, no information available on the site can be used with advertisement purposes, neither directly, or indirectly, nor with any other commercial purpose, without the previous request and agreement of The user will no utilize any space conceded by to post messages that show similarity with Spam, even through the posting of links or other information in spaces open to comments or discussion forums, among others.

The user shall also not collect any third parties’ information through the site, with commercial, advertisement, or other purposes other than the normal and regular interaction proposed by Violations of the present determinations subject the infringing part to be responsible towards for the loss of profits, or emerging damages, in addition of being responsible to pay punitive fines, whether or not damages were determined.

Intellectual property

All the site’s rights are reserved to, including the texts, images, recordings, and any other type of content. All the brands presented on this site are property of or its affiliated partners, suppliers companies, or, they make references to products for which we have the required license for their representation. It’s entirely forbidden to misuse any of the contents or brands presented on this site.

The user shall respect all the copyrights and other rights, including those from intellectual property, which are applicable on the contents. Each work or content presented on shall, then, be ruled by its own applicable terms, being the user the only responsible to take all the necessary steps for the correct compliance of the applicable rights and obligations.

The user shall not, by any means, reproduce, utilize, copy, distribute, or allow, the public access, or make it available for the public, transform, modify in any ways, the contents of, unless prior authorization from the owner of the rights is granted, or unless this use is legitime, legally or contractually provided, or in any other way permitted.

The user shall respect integrally the received permissions for the use of any content of, not being authorized to suppress or change any authorial right or copyright, nor falsely apply any authorial rights or copyright’s notification, or induce third parties to fail through the false licensing of copyrighted work, or any other form of violation of rights.

The user that submits any content or participates of any activity related to grants and certifies not infringing any legal contractual or third-party rights, or similar. To submit a content to the site it is mandatory for the user to be a legitimate owner of the content’s rights, being exclusively and entirely responsible for the submission, posting and release of it, under any tittle, and in any way.

No copy, distribution, exhibition or disclosure of the site shall be understood as a restriction or resignation from the rights on the site, its contents, or the brands published on it.

Registration of the users and veracity of the information

The access to the available content of and the access to some of the services of the site might not require a previous registration or inscription from the users. Other contents available by, in order to be accessed, require the user to be registered, having to provide, then some information. This information is regularized by our Privacy Policy.

All the information provided by the user to access the site and its services and contents, shall be true. The user grants authenticity of all the details that are informed through the filling of the available forms. It is the user’s exclusive responsibility to keep any information provided to constantly updated in the way that it always reflects the real information of the user.

The provision of false or inexact declarations constitutes the violation of the present terms of use, as well as the revocation of the utilization of the site. In any of these cases, the user will always be the one and only responsible for his behavior and for the damages that were caused, to himself or to third parties, in the context of

Minors shall obtain previous authorization from their parents, tutors or legal representatives, as a way to access, being them considered responsible for every single act practiced by the minors. The parents, tutors, or legal representatives will be fully responsible also on the case of the minors accessing, without obtaining previous authorization. Controlling the activities and the conduct of the respective minors under tutelage, is entirely responsibility of their parents.

Limitation of liability

The user who accesses the site is exclusively responsible for the use and navigation and shall respect the Terms of Use and the Policy of Privacy of this site, as well as the legislation that applies to it., the affiliated, associated companies or collaborators won’t be, at no time, responsible for any direct or indirect damage that come as a result or that is related to, the access, the usage or the incapacity of accessing or using this site.

Bearing in mind the inherent characteristics from the internet environment, assumes no responsibility for the interruptions or suspensions of connections, computer’s transmissions that are incomplete or that fail, as well as for technical failure of any kind, including, but not being limited to, the poor electronic performance of any network, “hardware” or “software”..

Impossibility of accessing the internet or the site, as well as any incorrect or incomplete information about the site, or any human failure, technical or from any other type on the processing of the site’s information, will never be considered as if they were responsibility of, being discharged, of any responsibility resulted from any of those facts and/or acts.

It is of entirely responsibility of the user, to keep his computer safe, by using the available tools, such as antiviruses, and firewalls, among others, with the purpose of contributing in preventing internet risks.

Your participation on the site

You can express your ideas and opinions on the site. You acknowledge, from start, that doesn’t know and doesn’t interfere on the content that was posted by you and by other users, not being responsible, at no time, for the consequences. With that said, you will be the one and only responsible for the content that you post/share on the site, which should respect the morals, the ethics, the good manners and the third parties’ rights, as well as the existing national legislation.

It is strictly forbidden on the environment of this site, messages, texts, images and the upload of any type of indecorous, prejudicial, disrespectful, discriminatory, libelous, and defamatory items, that, in any way possible, attack the dignity, image, reputation, honor, moral, integrity or any other right from any person, their nationality, ethnicity, their political or religious views, as well as to counter the public order, the good behaviors and/or the current legal framework, and/or that constitute any type of plagiarism. The users of the site acknowledge that they will have to respond legally for all or any damage caused by the infraction of this regulations.

Any claim from third parties will be the user’s responsibility, who shall assume all the legal and procedural responsibilities in regards to the claim. The user acknowledges that will report all and any conflict, litigation or disputes in which it will be involved due to contents or behaviors carried out or perpetrated by users or third parties, by law, in the way that it will no longer be part of the conflict, litigation, or dispute. has also the right to sue any user, due to any actions that were results of their conduct, or of the submitted content. has also the right of blaming the user of the abusive conduct directly, invoking all the legally available resources, including the right of recourse, among others.

Therefore, will use all the registration information as well as any other technical information that would help identify the user, being the user already conscious of this, as well as the affected third party, which will not be able to claim any sort of violation of privacy on those cases.

The information published on this site is considered not confidential. All the comments, suggestions, ideas (including product ideas and publicity) and other type of information that you post might be used by in a reasonable manner, including any future rights related to such postings.

This means that you resign to any property Right on the referred submissions, recognizing the unrestrained Right of of using it, (as well as the materials, or similar ideas) in any media, now or in the future, without notification, remuneration, or any other obligation from towards the user, on a reasonable basis.

This site might include links to sites or third parties’ applications. This does not imply, in any way, that endorses, verifies, grants or possesses any connection to the owners of these sites or applications, not being responsible for their content.


All the notifications from the users of should be done only and exclusively through the site administration’s contact channels. All the notifications and communications from towards its users, will be considered valid and efficient, for all intents and purposes, when they happen in the following manners:

? Message sent by e-mail to any e-mail address;
? Letter sent to the user’s address, if he provided an address to;
? Telephone contact to the number provided by the user;
? Through messages posted on the site, in places of common access for the user.

On this sense, all the notifications made by, will be considered valid when done using the data and the channels highlighted above. To these ends, the user claims that all the information provided is valid and true, and they will be considered as such, having then the commitment of communicating and updating, along with, all the changes related to their personal details.

Other dispositions

Any doubt or request related to these Terms of Use or to the Privacy Policy of the site should be sent to, to the email [email protected].

Tolerance towards the eventual noncompliance of any rules or conditions from the existent Terms of Use will not constitute the novation of the obligations here stipulated, and it will not stop or inhibit the demand of such, at any moment, by

In order to settle any doubts related to the content of this site, it is already stablished the appliance of the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil, regardless of the country where the site was accessed from. Any judicial disputes or controversies that were result of the acts that were committed on the context of this site by the users, even if it is related to the noncompliance of the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, or the violation of third party rights, will be prosecuted at the Piracicaba jurisdiction, in Sao Paulo State.

Privacy Policy

The privacy Policy aims to grant your confidentiality, your privacy and the protection of your personal information. With that said, there will be no non-authorized access to the provided information, improper use, or any alteration of such. Now we will refer to the terms of privacy that we consider more relevant for our good relationship.

Spam- team will only send emails to those that were registered on the site, and that confirmed their registration, manifesting then, their interest in being part of our email list, and having access to all the site’s content. Then, you can be at ease as you will have no risk of receiving any spam. And if you desisted of joining our community, don’t worry, as we will not send you emails trying to make you change your mind.

Your information- The registration requires that you provide personal information such as your email, which will be kept in total security by our team. This means that you have no risk of having your personal information spread without authorization. This information is used only for registration control purposes, to support the management and marketing plans, to define the target public, and for statistical surveys.

Exclusion from the list- After your registration you will start receiving early content from us, however, you have the entire freedom of no longer joining our list, from the moment that you decide to do so. This option will be available on a link, as a footnote, on the emails that you receive from us.

Social Networks- We can also stay in touch via social network. In case you are linked to us through any of it, we will ensure not to use any image, or information of yours without previous authorization.

The user has read and accepted integrally the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy and acknowledges the entirely informative character of the products, not being promised, by no means, any specific result.

Cookies and Web Beacons

We use cookies to store information, such as your personal preferences when you visit our website. This might include a simple popup, or a link to some of the services we provide, such as forums. Google is using the new DART cookie to serve the announces, which are based on your interests when you visit our blog and other websites. You might choose not to use DART cookies, by visiting the Google announcements’ AD webpage, and the policy program of this company.

In addition to this, we also use third parties’ publicity on our website, to bear with maintenance costs. Some of these advertisers might use technologies such as cookies and/or web beacons when they post on our website, which will make them (such as Google, through AdSense) to also receive your personal information, like IP address, ISP, browser, etc. This function is generally used for Geotargeting, (to show publicity of Sao Paulo only for readers that are from Sao Paulo) or to present advertisements that are directed to a certain type of user (such as showing a restaurant ad to a user who regularly visits cooking sites)

You have the power of not allowing cookies, on your browser’s options, or by making changes on the Anti-Virus program, such as Norton Internet Security. However, this might change the way you interact with our website, or other websites. This might affect or not allow you to make login in certain programs, sites or forums from our and other networks.

Google Analytics

We are currently using Google Analytics to monitor the audience on our website and to adjust our content.
No personal information will be captured by Google Analytics. For more information on Google Analytics Privacy Policy, please visit the following link: :